Sunday, February 14, 2016

The End.

This blog is reaching an end.

(PS4 wins the eighth generation by the way)

It has been a good run, but it’s time to move on a broader approach to discussing video games. The industry has gotten so big and has gotten so crazy we can’t limit discussing games to a mere generation. Instead of starting a new blog called Ninth Generation or something like that, I am going to start a blog on Wordpress called 16 Bits and Beyond, which will discuss anything gaming-related---past, present, and future. I will cover all the companies, all the systems that we played, are playing, and will ultimately play.

This new blog will begin in April, right before the E3 and before Nintendo starts unveiling what might be whether the next generation or a bridge to the future.

Thanks to all that supported this blog over the years. See you all in a couple months.