Somebody sent me this awesome image of the Legend of Zelda in Lego format. And while I was delighted at the image, it also got the old noggin thinking: what if Lego and Nintendo (and/or Sony) formed some sort of partnership that would allow for certain franchises to get the Lego touch? We saw the major success with Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones, and don’t skip out on Lego City Undercover when it (perhaps) launches with the WiiU. And since I am on a creative streak, might as well form a new list. Here is the list of the franchises (or games) I would love to see get the Lego touch. Here we go:

#10: Metal Gear Solid
Imagine being able to re-create Snake’s biggest missions Lego-style. Then imagine the fun of alternating pieces around to suit your espionage skills. And then for multi-player you can build places to create espionage competitions against one another. And lastly, let’s not forget about the potential of building your own Metal Gear.

#9: Blast Corps
This one is a longshot but the N64 underrated classic gave you the chance to blow things up and----blow things up. You can take this concept, expand it, and then build entire buildings and cities out of legos----just to blow it up again.

#8: Mega Man
Although Metroid was my original choice I realized that the weapon upgrading of Mega Man would make Mega the perfect choice to get the Lego treatment. Imagine bouncing around difficult levels and collecting enough pieces to upgrade your suit to better suit (pun intended) the difficult moments of the game. You can customize Mega Man to be stronger or faster or more agile. Your choice. P.S. I can see Capcom finding a way to milk the upgrades post-release…..

#7: Avengers
Imagine Lego Batman on pure Marvel steroids. Imagine being able to walk around the Legoized cities as one of the many potential superheroes. I am pretty sure I don’t have to say anymore.

#6: James Bond
Bond. James Bond. I would love to see all different variations of Bond and would love to see the Lego versions of all the European and exotic places he has visited over the decades of Bond cinema. And think of the multi-player fun as you get to go at each other with toy guns and weapons.

#5: Uncharted
This franchise has seen so much growth since the original captivated gamers several years ago. But I would love to see Mr. Drake reduce into Lego form and re-create all of his adventures. It would provide a fun twist to the gameplay and the cutscenes involved.

#4: Legend of Zelda
The image did get me thinking, and personally a Lego remake of the original original Zelda or Zelda II wouldn’t be half-bad an idea. There’s been no extra loving for Zelda II and I can see it getting a 3-D Lego treatment so it can be re-introduced to a new audience. The franchise has gotten a little stale so perhaps giving it a new look will help some.

#3: Super Mario Bros.
The only reason why this is on the list is because of the pure potential of creating Mario levels with Lego blocks, since the original Mario Bros. can definitely be re-created block by block. Imagine having the ability to create your own levels and share them online with others. We already see re-creations of Mario Bros. on Youtube so might as well cash in on the creativity and give gamers the chance to build one on the WiiU.

#2: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
A Lego re-creation of the biggest and arguably best warfare franchise in history? Why in the heck not? You can make the game first and third person while drumming through all the different wars whether its World War II or World War III. The younger gamers can finally get their first glimpse on the frantic gameplay you usually get with your Call of Duty games. Wouldn’t it be awesome to build your own aerial vehicle so you can combat in the skies? Lastly, a Lego map editor is a definite must.

#1: Mario Kart
There is some heavy bias going on here, but I don’t care. A Lego Mario Kart would send this franchise in directions that would entice every gamer to play. Imagine building your own Toad or Yoshi or plumber to race against the classics. Imagine building your own vehicle to compete against others. Imagine having the ability to re-create classic tracks from Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 to upload, share, and compete with others. Mario Kart with a heavy Lego editing touch would give us endless joy, endless fun, and would propel the online multi-player world into a pure frenzy.
If you have any other Lego gaming ideas, please by all means share them!
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