Thursday, January 12, 2012

E3 2012: The Mandatory Appearance

With the 3DS exploding in sales, the Wii still owning the currently top-selling video game in the world (Yes its Just Dance 3, but they still own it), the PSVita getting its arse kicked by its own predecessor, and the WiiU literally right around the corner and a few months away, Nintendo is enjoying the beginning of 2012. We had just come off a year of Zelda which gave us 6 video games, including the first fully motion-controlled entry with Skyward Sword. We have just come off a year in which Mario Kart Wii raced past 30 million copies sold, while the latest installment is quietly sneaking in 4 million sales in about a month. And we have just come off a year in which although the Wii has lost all its tender love and care from the company, they are still bringing in some decent sales. Even Skyward Sword under a muddled ad campaign and a poor release date choice has sold nearly 3 million copies.

The Wii owns 43% of the market, and that’s after the fact that the XBox 360 and PS3 delivered some of the strongest games in the past 15 years in 2011. Even after Skyrim (Well, the XBox version), Little Big Planet 2, Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City, Portal 2, FIFA Soccer 2012, NBA 2K12, Forza 4, etc., Nintendo and its much smaller library of games still dished out decent sales. There is no stopping Nintendo whether you like it or not. If you have any chance of killing the momentum, E3 is the place to do it.

There have been reports that the next-gen XBox and Playstation will be unveiled this year. And then there were reports countering that news story. The truth is this is the first E3 since the late Sixth Generation (PS2/XBox/Gamecube era for those keeping track) which pretty much demands a good show, pretty much demands your 100% effort. In other words, it’s much more crucial to win on this E3 show, or at least be damn close. Nintendo’s WiiU is pretty much destined to steal the show and deliver. Not sure if you guys know this, but the WiiU comes out this very year, right after the summer. Now we know that Nintendo has a sketchy history in presenting their hardware, but do any of you honestly believe that Nintendo will drop the ball on their first HD system? Just the potential is enough to make us salivate. Thinking about F-Zero HD or Zelda HD is increasing my heart rate.

How can you possibly counter a next-generation system? With current-generation games? I’m sorry, no matter how excited we might seem for Halo 4 or that Metal Gear Solid XBox 360 game that for some odd reason still hasn’t come out, a brand new system with HD, a new unique take on gaming, and uncanny parallels to the Sega Dreamcast is going to have all the attention. Why in the heck would you not at least dish out some fun tidbits or fun little details about the upcoming system that you will eventually release? Sony and Microsoft are foolish in not even attempting to throw any kind of monkey wrench in the system. Nintendo’s momentum is heavy and will wipe away the E3 clean unless a competitor steps up and stands toe-to-toe with the current leader in the industry.

Bottom Line: For the sake of competition and for the sake of Nintendo not running away with all of 2012 with the 3DS and eventual WiiU launch, Microsoft and/or Sony needs to start teasing about its next generation of games. The XBox 360 and PS3 were fantastic systems don’t get me wrong, but if your competitor is heading up the next step in the ladder, you have to do the same—or at least peek at the next step. An XBox 360 title will not hold a candle to a potential Zelda, Mario, or even Smash Brothers HD. This E3 is crucial, and is the best opportunity to provide the necessary counter. If we don’t see XBox 720 or PS4 this year, it might be too late in late 2012/2013 when the WiiU is the only one in the field, raking up all the potential sales.

Or they can always pray that the WiiU becomes the next Dreamcast.........

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