Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Unfortunate Timing of an Excellent Nintendo Game Trailer

Nintendo’s marketing campaign needs some help.

Their latest trailer that came out on a random October morning propelled Super Mario 3D World from potential mere cash cow into a potentially incredible game. All it took was two minutes of pure mayhem gameplay and ridiculous depth of level design to display this Mario game as not just another adventure---which was the financial and critical reaction that followed the launch game New Super Mario Bros. U.

But it begs the question, why on earth did Nintendo not unveil any of this in the E3 trailer? Why did they disallow us to get excited for this holiday release? I mean, look at the trailers:

Notice the newer one makes the older trailer (which was surrounded by far, far more press) look like pure garbage. I will even go as far as to say that Nintendo could have gotten some major momentum if they had featured all the insanity that surrounds the upcoming Mario game. All those power-ups, all those unique features, and those interesting twists to the usual platforming that is associated with the Super Mario brand. Peach isn’t even the one kidnapped this time. All these little changes would have allowed for Mario to stand out and take some of the limelight.

Remember the ridiculous amount of attention that the trailers of Cloverfield and Inception (with the latter having the best teaser in the history of film) received? All it takes for a game or a movie is one trailer to get you excited. Get you hyped. Get you pumped. And to move sales. I can honestly say if they had combined the price cut with that second Super Mario 3D World trailer during E3 then the WiiU would be doing far far better leading up to the holiday season.

Instead, we have an excellent trailer muddled in the GTAV hype train receiving little attention and not contributing much to Nintendo’s plea that the WiiU is the system to buy during the upcoming insane month of Nintendo.

Ill timing Nintendo.

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